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Servicing greater Perth and Western Australia.


B. Waddell Consulting Engineers have over 30 years of combined experience in providing structural inspections and structural reports across Perth and WA.

In-depth Structural Reports & Structural Building Inspections for Perth Properties

Our very thorough structural inspection process involves examining your Perth property to uncover any hidden issues, major defects, or existing damage that could compromise its structural integrity.

Our team of highly qualified Consulting Engineers assess various elements, including cracked foundations, load-bearing walls, and more, to ensure structural soundness and compliance with Australian Standards.

With over 30 years of combined experience in providing structural inspections and structural reports for all types of properties and structures, our engineers can assist you with a quick turnaround time for your report.

No matter if you need an engineer report for your house, commercial or industrial structure, the team at B. Waddell Consulting Engineers are here to help.

Our Comprehensive Structural Inspection Services 

Our Consulting Engineers carry out structural inspections and the preparation of structural reports for residential houses, commercial buildings, and industrial structures in Greater Perth and surrounding regions.  

To assist with remediation of damaged or failing structures, our structural inspections and engineer reports cater for a wide range of scenarios, including:

  • Retrospective Approval – Measuring, documenting and checking existing structures that require engineering certification and inspection to gain Council approval for the structures. This can include extensions, patios, retaining walls, sheds and pools. 
  • StructuralCracks – Investigation of cracking to properties. Our structural reports prepared by our qualified engineers cover the extent of the damage and detail recommended remedial works. 
  • Concrete Damage – Damaged concrete structures typically through either impact damage or corrosion of reinforcement commonly referred to as concrete cancer. Our reports will detail the extent of damage, cause and required remedial works to repair the structure. 
  • Retaining Walls– Measurement and documentation of failing or leaning retaining walls. Typical retaining walls in the Perth region include panel and post retaining walls, core filled brickwork, mass brickwork or limestone retaining walls. When these retaining walls are not constructed adequately, the wall can lean or crack over time. Our engineers are experienced in various repairs that are available to rectify a damaged retaining wall. 
  • Fire Damage – Establish how much of the structure needs to be demolished and rebuilt to gain council approval for repairs. Our documents and reports will itemise the full details needed for approval and construction. 
  • Termite Damage – This can often begin in the roof but then spread throughout the house. We assess the full extent of the damage throughout the property and provide the details in a structural report including drawings to guide the builders to adequately quote the repairs needed. 

Contact Us for Structural Inspections in Perth 


Our skilled team deliver comprehensive structural reports swiftly, providing detailed insights about any issues or defects, so you can make informed decisions about your structure or property. Book your comprehensive structural inspection with B. Waddell Consulting Engineers today contact us on (08) 9409 4843. 

Contact Us

Unit 8, 1 Irwin Road Wangara
Western Australia


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